About Us
The Florida Health Care Association (FHCA) is Florida’s largest and leading advocacy organization for long term care providers and the residents entrusted to their care. FHCA represents over 86% of the state’s 700 nursing centers. Our membership includes more than 650 long term care centers that provide skilled nursing, post-acute and sub-acute care, short-term rehabilitation, assisted living and other services to the frail elderly and individuals with disabilities in Florida. FHCA also has more than 400 associate members/companies that provide valuable products and services to long term care providers.
The Florida Health Care Education and Development Foundation (Foundation) is a 501 (c) (3) organization that was established by FHCA in 1983 to promote scholarship programs for employees working in FHCA member facilities. Foundation scholarships are an important component of FHCA’s initiatives to support members’ workforce strategies and help enhance patient outcomes.